If 2020 taught businesses anything, it is to be where your customers are.
Back in 2018, when WhatsApp rolled out their app for businesses to connect with their customers – no one really expected it to take off the way it has.
Fast forward to 2021 and you have WhatsApp take over as the number one global messenger app with a staggering 50 million businesses using WhatsApp to connect with their customers as per WhatsApp blog.
Now, with your customers’ attention fragmented between a host of instant messaging apps – emails, SMS and other traditional channels have taken a backseat.
Among these instant messenger apps, WhatsApp clearly rules the roost with 80% of WhatsApp messages seen within five minutes as per the report by Telemedia Online. So if you’re scrambling to reach your customers with the right message at the right time – you simply need to find effective ways to reach your customers on WhatsApp. With rich media features, WhatsApp Business APIs enable you to go beyond simple text messages.
Let’s dive into how you can get your customers to notice you with brilliant WhatsApp notifications.
Reimagine customer engagement with WhatsApp business notifications
Now on WhatsApp, users have the power to reach out to brands whenever they want. However, if you have to initiate a conversation with a customer who has opted-in for WhatsApp messages, you can only do so by sending messages or notifications with pre-approved WhatsApp templates.
On the contrary, whenever there is a support window open – i.e a user has reached out to you, then you can reply to the user with a regular ‘non-template’ message within a 24 hour period.
Simply put, WhatsApp notifications are WhatsApp template messages that you can send out to customers for a variety of industry-specific use-cases.
With an aim to reduce friction and ensure seamless interactions with users, interakt leverages official WhatsApp Business APIs to send timely updates that customers expect to receive. These could range from ticket updates for travel companies to payment or shipping updates for eCommerce companies.
Breaking down WhatsApp templates
Let’s backtrack a bit here and understand what WhatsApp templates are all about.
As we saw earlier, WhatsApp templates are pre-approved WhatsApp messages which are sent to initiate a conversation with a user when there is no live support window with that user. This means that there has been no exchange of messages with the user in the last 24 hours.
There’s more to it – these templates are interactive in nature. WhatsApp is taking customer experience to the next level by giving you the option to add special formatting options like buttons and quick replies to these templates.
In order to protect their users from any form of spam, WhatsApp ensures that every template that is sent out is first approved by them.
Building engaging WhatsApp notification templates on interakt
At interakt, we’ve simplified the steps involved in bringing these interactive templates to life.
Before you get started with creating a template – you first need to take a call on what is the intent behind the WhatsApp notification that you want to send out to your user.
Is it for an account update or an appointment reminder? Or just an update about an issue resolution? Whatever be the case, you will be surprised to see how WhatsApp notifications can come handy in your customer interactions.
Below are all the possible categories that WhatsApp allows you to create message templates for ?

Once you’ve sorted that out, you can easily head to interakt’s dashboard and create a WhatsApp template. Our step-by-step guide on WhatsApp templates gives you a lowdown on how to create templates on interakt.
A WhatsApp template essentially comprises four sections, i.e the Header, body, footer and buttons. Other than the body of the template, all other sections are optional.
Here’s a quick look at a few templates with multiple usage of all four sections.

Craft top-notch WhatsApp business notifications
Every WhatsApp template will have to be tied down to an approved use-case or a category as provided by WhatsApp.
Let’s understand these categories individually and take a look at 11 engaging notification messages that you can send to capture your customers’ attention.
Account Update: You can use WhatsApp notifications to update your customers regarding changes to their account settings. If an unauthorized activity has taken place in the user’s account, this notification will be extremely beneficial in alerting the user in real-time.
Hey {{1}},
We’ve updated your account with the new delivery address as requested.
If this update was not initiated by you, please reach out to us immediately.
You can hit the button below to get in touch with us.
<Button> Contact Us

Alert Update: Got a new feature that you want to inform your customers about? Keep your user in the know with regular business alerts and updates using this category.
Header: Relevant Image
Dear Members,
This is a final call for tomorrow’s delivery.
If you haven’t placed your order yet, click on the link below to book your order now!
Thank You!
TG Community
<Button> Order Now

Appointment Update: Your user is on a tight schedule and sending out WhatsApp notifications to remind them about upcoming appointments can help them a great deal.
Hey {{1}},
This is a quick reminder about your appointment with us which is scheduled for {{2}}.
If you’d like to reschedule, please reply to this message.

Auto Reply: Send out notifications with auto-replies during non-business hours and keep your customers engaged throughout.
Hey {{1}},
Thank you for shopping with us. We’ve sent you a delivery confirmation on your email ID – {{2}}.
Got any questions? Just hit reply and we will get back to you soon!

Issue Resolution: Putting out fires and resolving issues? Great – let your customers know with issue resolution notifications.
Header: Update – Issue with payment feature resolved!
Hey there,
We apologize for the inconvenience you may have experienced!
We’re happy to inform you that the issue with the payment credited alert feature has been resolved.
If you continue to face any issues, reply to this message with your ticket number and we’d be happy to help!

Payment Update: You can use these notifications to send your customers updates on payment transactions, the status or the payment invoice.
Hey {{1}},
Thank you for your payment.
Your order will be shipped to you within 2 days.
Footer: Thank you for shopping with us!

Personal Finance Update: Notify your customers with updates on their account balance or any transactional details regarding their personal finance accounts.
Your account {{1}} is credited with a salary of {{2} on {{3}}. The available balance is {{4}}.

Reservation Update: Did a customer book a table or make a reservation? Send them an instant notification with the details of their reservation.
Hi {{1}},
Thank you for making a reservation with us. We’re expecting you on {{2}}.
We’re happy you chose to dine at BigEats.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.
<<Button> Contact Us

Shipping Update: Your users would love to be intimated on when they can expect the arrival of their order – send them shipping updates and details using the shipping update notification.
Header – Woohoo – Your order is on its way!
Hey {{1}},
Your order no {{2}} has been shipped and will reach you in 2 days!
Thank you for shopping with us.
<Button> Contact Us

Ticket Update: Send your customers WhatsApp notifications with ticketing information for a flight, trip or an upcoming event.
Header: Document with ticket
Hey {{1}},
Your booking has been confirmed.
✈️ Here is your flight ticket from {{2}}.
Got any questions? Just hit reply and we will get back to you soon!

- Transportation Update: Send important transportation details and timely travel updates using WhatsApp notifications.
Header: Your flight {{1}} takes off today at 9:15 PM
Hey {{1}},
This is a gentle reminder for your upcoming trip. Your flight {{2}} takes off today at {{3}}. Be sure to reach the boarding gate at least 20 minutes before departure.
Have a safe journey!

Drive greater engagement with automated notifications on WhatsApp
There you have it – WhatsApp notifications can be a powerful tool to reach out to your customers in more ways than one. With pre-defined messaging categories coupled with a whole stack of rich media capabilities to engage your users – if you haven’t considered WhatsApp notifications as means to reach out to your customers, then it’s time you do!
At interakt, we realize the magnitude of reaching out to customers on their most preferred channel – WhatsApp. We’re powering businesses both big and small, with a full-blown WhatsApp Business solution to reach, interact and achieve exceptional customer engagement rates.